venerdì 6 maggio 2016

Aurelion Sol

Here's the champion reveal for our upcoming champion Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger, including a look at his kit and abilities, gameplay, and more!
Continue reading for more information!


"Aurelion Sol is mere weeks from his Rift debut, and he's bringing one hell of a big bang along for his grand entrance. He’s a medium range mage who deals devastating sustained area of effect damage with his orbiting stars. And when he’s got somewhere to be, the Star Forger can take to the skies, flying over terrain while nurturing his very own fledgling apocalypse. 

Three stars constantly orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing magic damage and applying spell effects to enemies they strike.

Aurelion Sol fires the core of a newborn star in a target direction that explodes—dealing damage and stunning all nearby enemies—upon reactivation or once it travels beyond his stars’ maximum orbital range. Aurelion Sol can travel alongside Starsurge, and by keeping it close he’ll nurture it, growing it in size so that it damages and stuns a wider area when it explodes.

Aurelion Sol pushes his stars out to his outer ring, significantly increasing their power. Celestial Expansion costs mana to cast and drains mana every second the ability is toggled on. Once he toggles the ability off or runs out of mana, Aurelion Sol pulls his stars back.

Passive: Aurelion Sol builds up increasing movement speed as he travels continuously in the same direction, and loses speed on sharp turns. Some of this speed is stored away as Escape Velocity stacks, which are lost entirely whenever he takes damage from an enemy. 
Active: Once Aurelion Sol maxes his Escape Velocity stacks, he can activate Comet of Legend to pull in his orbiting stars and take flight, traversing over terrain for a long distance. He cannot turn once his course is set, and enemy damage will bring Aurelion Sol back to earth, restoring his orbiting stars.

Aurelion Sol shoots out a long wave of starfire in a target direction that damages and slows all struck enemies. Nearby enemies caught in the blast are also knocked back to Aurelion Sol’s outer ring.

Aurelion Sol, unlike most champions in League, deals the lion’s share of his damage with his passive. Center of the Universe sets up a constant game during laning, with Aurelion Sol looking to maneuver his stars into his lane opponent, who, in turn, has to keep on move to avoid them. Its sheer threat will often send his opponent back to safety, giving the Star Forger the perfect opportunity to unleash Celestial Expansion and ramp up his cyclical damage. And as these two play out their duel, Aurelion Sol will inevitably deal great swathes of collateral damage to the enemy minions, who’ll wither under the persistent barrage of starfire. All this area of effect punishment means that Aurelion Sol has a super easy time shoving his lane, even while he focuses on his duel.
Of course, all this passive pushing is likely to attract the enemy jungler’s attention, forcing Aurelion Sol onto the defensive. This is a clear weakness of the celestial dragon’s because, outside of a couple last-minute big red button abilities, the Star Forger has very few defenses inside his orbiting stars. One of his options comes in the form of Starsurge, which he can essentially double tap to stun his face-to-face enemy before making his way to safety. The other comes once he hits level 6.

So, instead of waiting for the enemy minions to bounce back, Aurelion Sol often works best bringing his might to bear elsewhere. Comet of Legend’s flight is powerful, but its range—especially at early ranks—is pretty limited. The Star Forger mitigates this by roaming toward his target, building up his escape velocity stacks as he approaches his take-off spot. Once he’s picked enough speed, he can take to the skies with Comet of Legend, gliding over the last walls as he prepares his assault. Starsurge is crucial here; by casting it before or as he flies, Aurelion Sol can actually keep pace with his flourishing star, expanding its size and threat as he draws closer to his hapless victim. Timing is vital, as is communication, but when Aurelion Sol successfully hurtles into another lane with a colossal world-destroying comet by his side, well... he’s definitely going to leave a mark. 
“Instead of waiting for the enemy minions to bounce back, Aurelion Sol often works best bringing his might to bear elsewhere.”


By mid-game, Aurelion Sol should have some of his essential items, granting him enough raw presence to threaten the enemy team while aiding his own. He doesn’t jive well with raw AP, but instead thrives with tanky AP items that provide him and his team with utility. It’s this utility—alongside Aurelion Sol’s passive threat—that gives the Star Forger such a huge presence around neutral objectives. He can set up outside dragon, for instance, and dissuade the enemy team from contesting by body-blocking with Center of the Universe while his allies secure their objective. The enemy jungler will have to avoid cycling stars as well as Starsurge, or else vacantly stare on in stunned silence as the Star Forger’s team successfully smites their winged target.

Things only get hairier for the enemy team once Aurelion Sol gains access to his ultimate, Voice of Light. The ability can devastate entire teams when the Star Forger positions inside one of the jungle’s tight corridors. And by unleashing Voice of Light down one of these pathways, Aurelion Sol won’t just wreck enemy squishies, but also knock back any approaching tanks or fighters looking to claim an apparently easy kill. Kiting’s a simple enough thing when he moves to rejoin his team, with items like Rylai’s Crystal Scepter repeatedly slowing his pursuers while Comet of Legend’s passive kicks in, accelerating Aurelion Sol’s retreat. 
“Aurelion Sol can set up outside dragon, for instance, and dissuade the enemy team from contesting by body-blocking with Center of the Universe.”


Aurelion Sol has a couple of options when it comes to teamfighting. One is to carefully position himself behind his team’s frontline, whittling down his distant enemies with Celestial Expansion while saving Starsurge to stop enemy assassins from ruining his day. Voice of Light plays a key role here, too, blowing back divers or withering away his clustered targets’ health bars. This tactic requires a beefy frontline capable of distracting or otherwise preventing the enemy team’s killers from breaking through, but is generally the safer, more reliable method.

Then there’s the other option, where Aurelion Sol flies into the heart of the enemy team with a huge freakin’ megastar by his side. As grand as this entrance can be, it requires incredibly precise timing with Aurelion Sol’s team to pull off. Smash your way in too early and the Star Forger will only last a couple of seconds before meeting his maker; too late and his team will have already lost a four vs five teamfight.

But time it right and he’ll pave the way for his team’s entry—or follow up on an ally’s initiation—with a massive area of effect stun. Once he’s landed, he’ll need to stay on the lookout for enemies who can encroach inside his stars, particularly if Starsurge is still on cooldown. And if he hasn’t used his ult to eject enemy divers from his proximity, the Star Forger can turn to Voice of Light to finish off fleeing stragglers who haven’t yet perished beneath his brutal, unending attacks. 
“Aurelion Sol requires a beefy frontline capable of distracting or otherwise preventing the enemy team’s killers from breaking through.”
“The heavens diminish without my attention.”
- Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger

  • Braum - the Heart of the Freljord  -  Braum provides Aurelion Sol with plenty of beefy frontliner bulk for the enemy team to contend with. He’ll happily slow enemy divers with Winter’s Bite and block their onslaught with his standard Stand Behind Me into Unbreakable combo, all while Aurelion Sol chips away at his enemies’ health bars with Celestial Expansion. Also, the Heart of the Freljord and the Star Forger both have super strong peeling ults if any baddies still manage to break through. 
  • Sivir - the Battle Mistress  -  Where Braum provides slows and shields—in the literal sense—Sivir’s all about speed. She provides her team with her customary chase/reposition tool with On The Hunt, before pairing up with Aurelion Sol to form a terrifying mass attacking duo through her Ricochet and Boomerang Blade and his Celestial Expansion and Voice of Light. If the enemy team stays grouped, they’ll die together; if they split up… well, that seldom works out, either. 
  • Tahm Kench - the River King  -  Tahm Kench can chow down on Aurelion Sol to become a horrific, star-wielding maniac in team fights. The Star Forger’s stars will continue orbiting him even when he’s exploring the hidden depths of the River King’s gastrointestinal system, meaning everyone’s favorite catfish-frog-thing can happily speed his way around the enemy team, using Thick Skin to absorb the enemy team’s beating while withering his targets away under repeated rounds of star-based pain. 
  • Akali - the Fist of Shadow  -  Akali has all the tools needed to expose and poke at Aurelion Sol’s weaknesses. Remember, he has very few defenses inside his orbiting stars, so if a heavy damage dealer, like... say... an assassin, can get up close to personal to Aurelion Sol, he’s screwed. Enter Akali, who can Shadow Dance her way past the Star Forger’s passive before artfully slicing him up into a really expensive pair of shoes.
  • Graves - the Outlaw  -  Not only can the Outlaw use Quickdraw to dart away from—or inside—Aurelion Sol’s orbiting stars, he also packs more than enough firepower (thanks to End of the Line and Collateral Damage) to fire the celestial dragon over to the land of the gray screen. And even if the big blue dragon survives Graves’ bullet bonanza, the Outlaw can simply lay down a Smoke Screen and walk away from his blinded adversary.
  • Nidalee - the Bestial Huntress  -  There are a couple of ways Nidalee can ruin Aurelion Sol's day. There’s her terrifyingly pointy long-range spears, of course, that’ll leave the Star Forger whimpering for mercy. But even if he gets close enough to land a few stars on the Bestial Huntress, she can just shapeshift before pouncing in and ripping Aurelion Sol apart in melee form.

We’ll be back soon with the story detailing how we forged the Star Forger. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on League’s next champ below!"

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Your life had no value before me." - Jhin, the Virtuoso is now available for purchase!
During his first week of availability, Jhinwill be priced at 975 RP / 7800 IP, after which he will drop to the standard 6300 IP price point. Alternatively, you can pick up Jhin and High Noon Jhin in his limited time release bundle for 1837 RP through February 8th.

Continue reading for preview of Jhin's performance, including a full run down of Jhin abilities, a look at his release skin High Noon Jhin, and more

Jhin Now Available

From the official release announcement - "Jhin, the Virtuoso, available now":
"It’s time to get your snipe on
    Dust off your duster and saddle up, because High Noon Jhin’s comin’ to town. The skin’ll set you back a couple of gold nuggets - 1350 RP if you’re into digital moolah - or can be picked up with Jhin’s launch bundle for 1837 RP. You’ve got until 23:59 PT on 2/8 to pick up the bundle - after that, it’s headin’ for the hills. Yeehaw? Yeehaw."

    "I wonder what they think when they see me." Continue scrolling for a better look!

    Jhin, the Virtuoso

    Champion Spotlight

    For a quick rundown on Jhin's abilities and gameplay, check out his champion spotlight:

    Stats & Abilities

    • Range: 550
    • Movespeed: 325
    • Attack Damage: 53
    • Attack Damage Growth: 4
    • Health: 540
    • Health Growth: 85
    • Mana: 300
    • Mana Growth: 50
    • Health Regen: 1.1
    • Health Regen Growth: .1
    • Mana Regen: 1.2
    • Mana Regen Growth: .16
    • Armor: 20
    • Armor Growth: 3.5
    • Magic Resist: 30

    Whisper (Passive) 
    Death in 4 Acts - Jhin's hand cannon has a fixed attack speed (.63 - increases at ~3% per level) and can be fired 4 times before needing to be reloaded. The 4th bullet always Crits and deals bonus damage equal to 15-25% of the target's missing health.  
    Every Moment Matters - Critical Strike Chance and Bonus Attack Speed have special scaling:
    • Attack Damage is increased by X [ (2-40 based on level)% + (40% of Crit Chance) %+ (25% of bonus attack speed)% of total AD).
    • Jhin's Crits deal 25% reduced damage but grant him 10% ( +40% of bonus attack speed) movement speed for 2 seconds.
    [NOTE: Will reload after a short time without attacking.] 

    Dancing Grenade (Q)
    30/35/40/45/50 Mana 
    7/6.5/6/5.5/5 sec Cooldown 
    Jhin launches a cartridge at the targeted enemy that deals 60/85/110/135/160 (+.3/.35/.4/.45/.5 total AD) (+.6 AP) physical damage before bouncing to a nearby target that has not yet been hit. 
    The cartridge can hit a maximum of 4 times. Each kill by the cartridge increases the damage of subsequent hits by 35%.

    Deadly Flourish (W) 
    50/60/70/80/90 Mana 
    14 sec Cooldown 
    Jhin fires a long range shot that stops on the first champion hit, dealing 50/85/120/155/190 (+.7 Total AD) physical damage to it, and 65% of that damage to minions and monsters hit along the way. 
    If Deadly Flourish strikes a champion that has been hit by one of Jhin's basic attacks, Lotus Traps, or allies within the last 4 seconds it will root them for .75/1/1.25/1.50/1.75 seconds and grants Jhin movement speed as though he had crit them.

      Captive Audience (E) 
      40/45/50/55/60 Mana 
      2 sec Cooldown 
      Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap at the target location that lasts 2 minutes and activates when stepped on, revealing nearby enemies for 4 seconds.  
      The trap leaves behind a zone that slows everything inside by 35%, and detonates after 2 seconds, dealing 20/80/140/200/260 (+1.2 Total AD) (+1.0 AP) magic damage (65% damage on subsequent hits and  vs. minions and monsters). 
      Jhin prepares a new trap every 28/27/26/25/24 (reduced by CDR) seconds and can store 2 at once.  
      Beauty in Death - When Jhin kills an enemy champion a Lotus Trap will spawn and detonate where they were killed. 

      Curtain Call (R) 
      100 Mana 
      120/105/90 sec Cooldown 
      Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots at extreme range in a cone in front of him. The shots stop on the first champion hit, slowing it by 80% for .75 seconds and dealing 50/125/200 (+.25 total AD) physical damage, increased by 2% for each 1% health the target is missing. The 4th shot crits for 200% damage.  
      If cancelled early, Curtain Call's cooldown is refunded by 10% each unused shot.


      Jhin's VO is up, clocking in at over 20 minutes! 

      This includes oodles of special taunts for champions like Bard, Draven, Garen, Illaoi, Jinx, Katarina, Lucian, Rek'sai , Shen, Sion, Sona, Tahm Kench, and Zed. He also has unique taunts for Ionian and Noxian champions as well as special lines for purchasing items in the shop!

      Background / Lore

      Here's Jhin's short form in-client lore, expect a longer version on his champion page at release!
      "'Art requires a certain... cruelty.''

      Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his twisted theater, making him the best choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror."

      This bio is available in long form on Jhin's  champion page and champion bio page:
      "Khada Jhin, the Virtuoso 
      “Art requires a certain…cruelty.” 
      Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia’s ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the best choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror. 
      For years, Ionia’s southern mountains were plagued by the infamous “Golden Demon.” Throughout the province of Zhyun, a monster slaughtered scores of travelers and sometimes whole farmsteads, leaving behind twisted displays of corpses. 
      In desperation, the Council of Zhyun sent an envoy to beg Great Master Kusho for help. Upon hearing of the region’s plight, Kusho feigned an excuse for why he couldn’t help. But a week later, the master, his son Shen, and star apprentice Zed, disguised themselves as merchants and moved to the province. In secret, they visited the countless families emotionally shattered by the killings, dissected the horrific crime scenes, and looked for possible connections or patterns to the murders. 
      Their investigation took four long years, and left the three men changed. The famous red mane of Kusho turned white; Shen, known for his wit and humor, became somber; and Zed, the brightest star of Kusho’s temple, began to struggle with his studies. Upon finally finding a pattern to the killings, the Great Master is quoted as saying: “Good and evil are not truths. They are born from men and each sees the shades differently.” 
      Depicted in a variety of plays and epic poems, the capture of the “Golden Demon” would be the seventh and final great feat in the illustrious career of Lord Kusho. On the eve of the Blossom Festival in Jyom Pass, Kusho disguised himself as a renowned calligrapher to blend in with the other guest artists. Then he waited. Everyone had assumed only an evil spirit could commit these horrifying crimes, but Kusho had realized the killer was an ordinary man. The famed “Golden Demon” was actually a mere stagehand in Zhyun’s traveling theaters and opera houses working under the name Khada Jhin. 
      When they caught Jhin, young Zed marched forward to kill the cowering man, but Kusho held him back. Despite the horrors of Jhin’s actions, the legendary master decided the killer should be taken alive and left at Tuula Prison. Shen disagreed, but accepted the emotionless logic of his father’s judgment. Zed, disturbed and haunted by the murder scenes he had witnessed, was unable to understand or accept this mercy, and it is said a resentment began to bloom in his heart. 
      Though imprisoned in Tuula for many years, the polite and shy Khada Jhin revealed little of himself - even his real name remained a mystery. But while a prisoner, the monks noted he was a bright student who excelled in many subjects, including smithing, poetry, and dance. Regardless, the guards and monks could find nothing to cure him of his morbid fascinations. 
      Outside the prison, Ionia fell into turmoil as the Noxian empire’s invasion led to political instability. War awoke the tranquil nation’s appetite for bloodshed. The peace and balance Kusho had famously fought to protect was shattered from within as dark hearts rose in power and secret alliances competed for influence. Desperate to counter the power of the ninja and Wuju swordsmen, a cabal within the ruling council conspired to secretly free Jhin and turn him into a weapon of terror. 
      Now with access to the Kashuri armories’ new weapons, and nearly unlimited funds, the scale of Khada Jhin’s “performances” has grown. His work has brought fear to many foreign dignitaries and to Ionia’s secret political underground, but how long will a serial killer, craving attention, be satisfied working in the shadows?"

      Release Skin - High Noon Jhin

      "You shoot to kill, you better hit the heart.High Noon JhinJhin's release skin, is also now available individually or as part of the release bundle!

      High Noon Jhin

      1350 RP

      Login Theme

      Of course, what champion release would be complete without a new login theme; here's the track for Jhin!

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